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CBDS Curriculum

Completion of the Certificate in Biomedical Data Science (CBDS) program requires the satisfactory completion of required and elective coursework. Sixteen (16) semester credit hours (SCH) of didactic coursework (13 hours required, 3 hours elective) are required to obtain the Certificate in Biomedical Data Science. All course-related rules established by the MSCI-TS Program and listed in the MSCI-TS Handbook will be endorsed and followed by the Certificate in Biomedical Data Science program.

Required Courses – 13 SCH

Students in the Certificate in Biomedical Data Science program must successfully complete the following didactic courses.

TSCI 5070 (2 SCH) Responsible Conduct of Research
TSCI 5201 (3 SCH) Statistical Principles of Machine Learning for Biomedical Data
TSCI 5230 (3 SCH) Analytical Programming for Biomedical Data Science
TSCI  6201 (1 SCH) Data Science Leadership in Healthcare
TSCI 6202 (2 SCH) Data Visualization and Building Applications
TSCI 6203 (1 SCH) Practicum in Biomedical Data Science
CSAT 6005 (1 SCH) Rigor & Reproducibility

Elective Courses – 3 SCH

Diverse elective courses are available to accommodate the varying interests of the graduate students in this program. These courses may be taken in any semester when offered and include:

TSCI 5050 (1 SCH) Introduction to Data Science
TSCI 5073 (1 SCH) Integrating Molecular Biology with Patient-Oriented Clinical Research
TSCI 5074 (2 SCH) Data Management, Quality Control, and Regulatory Issues
TSCI 5075 (2 SCH) Scientific Communication
TSCI 5077 (1 SCH) Practicum in Translation Science
TSCI 5080 (1 SCH) Practicum in Integrating Molecular Biology with Patient-Oriented Clinical Research
TSCI 6060 (2 SCH) Patient-Oriented Clinical Research Methods -2
TSCI 6061 (2 SCH) Patient-Oriented Clinical Research Biostatistics – 2
TSCI 6065 (2 SCH) Health Services Research
TSCI 6069 (2 SCH) Statistical Issues, Planning, and Analysis of Contemporary Clinical Trials
TSCI 6070 (2.0 SCH) Biostatistics Methods for Longitudinal Studies
TSCI 6100 (1 SCH) Practicum in IACUC Procedures
TSCI 6102 (1 SCH) Practicum in IRB Procedures
TSCI 6105 (1 SCH) Topics in Cancer Prevention
TSCI 6106 (1 SCH) Practicum in Cancer Prevention Science


Timeline for Coursework

A typical schedule for a full-time Certificate in Biomedical Data Science student is provided in Academic Handbook.  Coursework towards a Certificate in Biomedical Data Science must be accomplished within three (3) or fewer years prior to the request for certification. Exceptions to this requirement will be considered by the MSCI-TS COGS on a case-by-case basis. A written request for exemption must be submitted to the Program Director through the Academic Coordinator and should include a brief description of the reason(s) for the request.

Grade Requirement

As detailed by the MSCI-TS Program, student performance in MSCI-TS courses is assessed on a satisfactory (S) / Unsatisfactory (U) basis. Any student who receives less than a Satisfactory (S) assessment in any Certificate in Biomedical Data Science required course will be required to re-take the course and receive a passing grade during the next academic year. In the event of a second failure in the same course, the MSCI-TS COGS will provide a recommendation to the GSBS Dean as to whether or not the student should be dismissed from the Certificate in Biomedical Data Science program.

Exemption of a Required Course

Exemptions to the requirement for completion of a required course will be considered by the MSCI-TS COGS on a case-by-case basis.  A written request for exemption must be submitted to the CBDS Program Director through the CBDS Academic Coordinator and should include a brief description of the reason(s) for the request.  If prior coursework conducted at another institution is the basis for the request, details regarding the content of the substitute course(s) must be provided.  If prior coursework conducted at another institution is the basis for the request the following supporting documents are required in addition to the written request.

MSCI-TS COGS approval of a request for exemption to a required course does not automatically result in approval of course credit hours towards the CBDS degree.  Transfer of coursework for credit is described below.

Transfer of Coursework for Credit

If a student has successfully completed graduate-level coursework that is duplicative of required Certificate in Biomedical Data Science courses, it is possible that transfer of course credit may be allowed. A written request for consideration of the transfer of course credit in substitution for a given Certificate in Biomedical Data Science course must be submitted to the Program Director through the Academic Coordinator. This request should include a comprehensive description of the prior course detailing when and where completed, course contact hours, and details of course content and objectives. The request should include an official transcript that indicates successful course completion and the grade issued. If the transfer of credit request is approved by the MSCI-TS COGS, the program will prepare a request for transfer of course credit (on the GSBS form) and submit to the GSBS for consideration/approval by the Dean. In no case will the allowable semester credit hour(s) of transfer for a given course exceed that of the corresponding MSCI-TS course. No more than 3 semester credit hours may be transferred towards the completion the Certificate in Biomedical Data Science Program.

Recommendation for Granting the Certificate in Translational Science

A graduate student must be accepted into in the CBDS program to be eligible to receive a certificate. Upon satisfactory completion of all required didactic and elective coursework, the Certificate in Biomedical Data Science student will complete and submit the Request for Certification form to the Academic Coordinator for review and approval by the MSCI-TS COGS. Once approved by the MSCI-TS COGS, the Chair of the MSCI-TS COGS will then submit a recommendation form to the Graduate Faculty Council (GFC) of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) through the Dean of the GSBS for further consideration and approval.


The Certificate in Biomedical Data Science program can be completed within 1 year of study. Some students may require 2 to 3 years to complete certificate requirements. If a student has not completed the necessary coursework within 3 years, the MSCI-TS COGS Chair will form a special committee to review progress with the student. The special committee’s responsibility will be to either recommend a course of action to expedite completion or recommend termination of the enrollment of the student in the program.