2022 Events:
UTSA Public Health Fair- April 7, 2022
We were invited to table at the UTSA Inaugural Public Health Fair to showcase our internship program. Our Coordinator, Marissa, along with spring interns Kayla and Jackie, attended the event to answer questions from faculty and prospective students.
2021 Events:
Madonna Center’s Health, Wellness & Empowerment– October 16, 2021
Our interns, Clarisse and Monika, tabled at the Madonna Center’s Event
STOHN Virtual Annual Meeting & E-Cigarette Webinar– September 10, 2021.
Meeting Program can be found here: STOHN Meeting Program
STOHN Advisory Board Meeting- June 25, 2021 at 12pm CST
2020 Events:
STOHN Advisory Meeting- August 19, 2020
IIMS CE Virtual Symposium- November 7, 2020
2019 Events:
STOHN Annual Meeting was held December 6, 2019.
2019 IIMS Community Engagement Symposium
STOHN Members and student interns were happy to join the 2019 IIMS Community Engagement Symposium, which was held at the Witte Museum on October 12, 2019. Our student interns, Thi Nguyen and Gianna Saenz, were able to present 2 STOHN projects as posters this year!
STOHN Nework Coordinator, Marissa Mendoza, working at the symposium. Former STOHN Student Intern, Michelle Rodriguez, Marissa Mendoza, and IIMS Community Engagement Manager, Elisabeth de la Rosa
STOHN Board Member, Dr. Cheryl Davis pictured with another attendee.
Assistant Director Melanie Taverna and Student Intern, Gianna Saenz, discussing the Dry Mouth Study completed in STOHN

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