ISRN Submits Comments to Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute’s Draft National Priorities for Research

On March 15, 2012, the Improvement Science Research Network (ISRN) submitted comments to the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) in response to a request for feedback and comments on the PCORI research priorities. The ISRN’s comments relate to the importance of patient centered research and the impact the patient can have in their care. A comparison was also made between the PCORI research priorities and the ISRN’s research priorities.

In general, the priorities stress the need for patient centered research; we urge you to sharpen the focus of the study of patient outcomes through T3 and T4 research focusing on contextual variables at the system, microsystem, and patient level that affects the implementation and sustainment of evidence-based interventions. For example, a clear limitation of disease-specific research is the lack of patient input and perspective in the delivery of care. The patient, as a consumer, is a valuable stakeholder that should be included in research aimed at redesigning care to be truly patient-centered.

To read our submission to the PCORI Research Priorities Click Here

You can also review comments from others by visiting the PCORI website.
