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IISRN – “Build It and They Will Come “Development of a Clinical Nursing Research Program through Collaboration

Principal Investigator: Sheila D. Keller, PhD
Co-Principal Investigators/Collaborators: Kim Hoover, Janet Harris
Organization: University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing



Prior to 2009, there was no nurse initiated research in the only academic health science center in Mississippi. In pursuit of Magnet designation, a nursing research initiative was developed through collaboration with the University of Mississippi Medical Center’s (UMMC) School of Nursing (SON).


Evidence supporting the initiative was lack of any IRB approved nursing research ongoing at the UMMC. Additionally, a Magnet gap analysis indicated that nursing research was one of the most significant gaps in Magnet criteria.


The hiring of a Director of Research and Evidence Based Practice was critical to this collaborative approach. A shared position between the SON and University of Mississippi Health Care (UMHC), the director was charged with creating a collaborative nursing research process, assessing UMHC readiness for EBP, staff and faculty engagement, and guiding project implementation. Systems changes were needed including the IRB acceptance of nursing led research.


Indicators of successful implementation of this program included the number of clinical nursing led research projects, location/units of implementation, faculty consultants, clinical nursing level, and presentations and publications of projects.


Ten nurse initiated EBP projects were created within the first year of this collaborative program. Several projects have been accepted for presentations at a local and national level.


Intentional hiring of Director of Research and EBP, assess readiness, establish process, market, engage educators and staff in projects with high potential for success, Identify and encourage internal and external venues for dissemination; reward and recognition.

Lessons Learned

Collaboration with a SON is essential for successful implementation; an effective Research and Quality Council is important; ineffective councils can hamper work or success; do not assume your IRB is familiar with nursing research; and ultimately, do not assume nurses will NOT be interested in research or will be afraid to implement research projects.


  • Ravert, P. & Merrill, K. (2008). Hospital Nursing Research Program: Partnership of Service and Academia. Journal of Professional Nursing, 24 (1), 54–58.
  • The Evidence for Magnet Status (2009). The Journal of Nursing Administration, 39 (7/8), Supplement. S1–S62.
  • The Magnet Model Components and Sources of Evidence (2008). American Nurses Credentialing Center. 1–46.