Primary Author: | Barbara Morris, RNc |
Co-Principal Investigators/Collaborators: | Melaine Bradsher, RN, BSN, Elisa Haynes, RN, BSN, Kimberly Moore, RN |
Organization | Annie Penn Hospital Reidsville NC |
This study was conducted to evaluate if one colon prep provided better results than another.
A colonoscopy is a procedure that is performed as a preventative or diagnostic measure. In order for patients to have quality procedures, a successful and complete colon prep is key. There are many different colon preps on the market. Preps are usually ordered based on the performing physician’s preference.
Materials & Methods
The colon preps were graded on a scale of 1-5 based on their clarity and adequacy. The patient’s age, learning ability, inpatient vs. outpatient, and whether or not biopsies were obtained were also documented and followed.
No colon prep was identified as being better than another. If patients followed the directions exactly as they were supposed to, the results were adequate and ensured a thorough examination.
Patient education is the key in ensuring that patients have adequate preps which promotes a thorough examination.
Bibliography “Which Bowel Preps are Best for Your Patients?” Retrieved 11/9/2011 from “Study: Poor Bowel Preps Do Result in Missed Polyps.” Retrieved 11/9/2011 from Friendly.aspx?id
Tresca, Amber J. “How to Prepare For a Colonoscopy.” Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 27 Nov 2011 <
© Improvement Science Research Network, 2012
The ISRN published this as received and with permission from the author(s).