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Nursing Grand Rounds for Patient Teaching: An Innovative Clinical Education Strategy

Primary Author: Jennifer Kitchens, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, CVRN
Co-Principal Investigators/Collaborators:

Margie Hull, M.Ed., MSN, ACNS-BC, CDE, RN

Organization Eskenazi Health






To implement and evaluate nursing grand rounds as an innovative clinical education strategy to strengthen nurses’ ability to teach patients with Diabetes/Heart Failure.


In the nursing literature, the effectiveness, processes, and outcomes of nursing grand rounds has received minimal attention. Grand rounds is one strategy to addressing clinical education needs. 

Materials & Methods

The nursing grand rounds for patient teaching was implemented by: prioritizing and integrating topics; developing an evidence-based presentation; coordinating the nursing contact hour process; designing handouts; advertising; acquiring media technology; cultivating a learning environment; engaging participation; analyzing evaluation data; and disseminating findings. Objectives were: describe the key principles of adult learning; list key patient teaching points for patients with diabetes and/or heart failure; assess teaching effectiveness by the Teach Back method and patients’ abilities to repeat at least two main teaching points. The effectiveness of the nursing grand rounds as an effective clinical education strategy was evaluated for: meeting program objectives; method effectiveness; and presenter effectiveness. A 4-point Likert scale was used with 1= strongly disagree; 4= strongly agree (higher scores equaling a more positive evaluation). 


There were 3 duplicate nursing grand rounds sessions offered at various times/locations (0.5 nursing contact hour each). Attendance was 46 nurses. The mean evaluation scores were positive: meeting program objectives 3.63; methods effectiveness 3.63; presenter effectiveness 3.69. 


Results indicate that nursing grand rounds for patient teaching was an effective clinical education strategy to address learning needs of nurses about patient teaching. Additional grand rounds programs should be held in the future using a similar approach. Future evaluation of nursing grand rounds programs should include items to assess: application of knowledge into clinical practice; contribution to collegiality; impact on professional growth; and preference for grand rounds versus online offerings. 



  • Armola, R., Brandeburg, J., & Tucker, D. (2010). A Guide to Developing Nursing Grand Rounds. Critical Care Nurse. 30(5), 55-62.
    Kornburger, Cheryl B.A., Gibson, C., Sadowski, S., Maletta, K., Klingbeil, C. (2013). Using Teach-Back to Promote a Safe Transition From Hospital to Home: An Evidence-Based Approach to Improving the Discharge Process. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 28(3), 282-291.
  • Tarnow, K. (1979). Working with Adult Learners. Nurse Education. Sept/Oct, 34-40.
  • White, M. Garbez, R., Carroll, M., Brinker, E., Howie-Esquivel, J. (2013). Is Teach-Back Associated With Knowledge Retention and Hospital Readmission in Hospitalized Heart Failure Patients? Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 28(2), 137-146.
  • Wolak, E.S. & Cairns, B. (2008). Nursing Grand Rounds as a Medium for the Continuing Education of Nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 39(4), 173-178. 

© Improvement Science Research Network, 2012

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