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Quality Improvement Innovation Using Electronic Evaluation Records

Primary Author: Michael T. Landry, DNS, RN
Co-Principal Investigators/Collaborators: Heidi T. Landry, DNS, RN
Organization Loyola University New Orleans



A DNP program was scheduled for its initial accreditation visit. In working as teams to prepare the self-study report, faculty needed access to similar documents, which was a problem as all information was in a paper-based system. The school of nursing was also utilizing mail-out external surveys, with poor return rates. The evaluation committee determined a change was needed.


While challenging, maintaining a current systematic evaluation plan (SEP), utilizing efficient data collection methods, is vital to the success of a nursing program. The SEP provides data for reports to accrediting and governing boards, and serves as the program’s quality improvement plan (Gard, Flannigan, & Cluskey, 2004). The SEP requires the orderly collection of extensive data (Hamner & Bentley, 2003). Kalb (2009) describes how files can be stored electronically by accreditation standards.

Materials & Methods

Upon a review of the evidence, it was determined that the online platform utilized by the school of nursing, BlackBoard, could house all SEP data, information, reports, and accreditation standards, so that all faculty would have access to these documents, through a secure, password protected system. Faculty were already familiar with BlackBoard, and the use of this system did not result in an added financial cost to the university. To complete the self-study report, discussion sites and wikis were setup for each team in a BlackBoard Evaluation site. The SEP, evaluation tools, evaluation data, and program evaluation reports, for all nursing programs, were organized by program, in chronological order, and uploaded to this Blackboard site.


The DNP program did not receive any concerns related to evaluation in its initial accreditation visit. Improvement in program quality was evident.


Course and program evaluation tools are being revised, and all external surveys are being moved to an electronic format. The use of BlackBoard as a platform to house evaluation records has significantly improved the data collection process, quality of information, and timeliness of reports.


Gard, C. L., Flannigan, P. N., & Cluskey, M. (2004). Program evaluation: An ongoing systematic process. Nursing Education Perspectives, 25(4), 176-9.

Hamner, J. B., & Bentley, R. W. (2003). A systematic evaluation plan that works. Nurse Educator, 28(4), 179-84.

Kalb, K. A. (2009). The three Cs model: The context, content, and conduct of nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(3), 176-80.
© Improvement Science Research Network, 2012

The ISRN published this as received and with permission from the author(s).