Funding Resources
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “How Family Medicine Physicians Can Demonstrate Accountability”
Principal Investigator: Richard Young, MD
This qualitative study will ascertain the opinions of frontline family physicians about standard quality outcome measures and accountability throughout practice.
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “Understanding How Social Determinants of Health Impact Diabetes Management”
Principal Investigator: Ronya Green, MD
This study will evaluate the impact of social determinants of health on diabetes management and determine its association with diabetes outcomes and provider awareness.
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “Comfort with Uncertainty in Medical Students and Family Medicine Residents”
Principal Investigator: Richard Young, MD
This longitudinal study will measure the comfort with uncertainty of a general population of U.S. medical students and determine if there is a correlation between that comfort and career choice for family medicine and primary care. This project will also measure the comfort with uncertainty in family medicine residents and to measure its change over time.
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “Predictors of Family Physician Wellness and Burnout”
Principal Investigator: Nehman Andry, MD
This project will examine the demographic, psychological, environmental, and work-place characteristics that impact resilience and burnout among family medicine residents and physicians in Texas. The subjects of the study will be physicians and residents within the Research Residency Network of Texas.
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “The Complexity of Family Medicine Visits: An RRNeT Study”
Principal Investigator: Richard Young, MD
This project examined the complexity of patient visits to a family medicine clinic and compared visit complexity to the risk for medical errors. The purposes of the study were to describe the complexity of outpatient visits in the practices of the Research Residency Network of Texas, and to correlate complexity scores to scores of the risk for adverse events.
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “Patients’ Understanding of Their Disease”
Principal Investigators: Nina Torkelson, MD and Sarah Holder, MD
This project examined the correlations between patients’ understanding of their disease, their readiness or motivation to self-manage their disease, their self management behaviors (adherence and activation), and their disease outcomes, including blood pressure, BMI, and A1c.
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “Opportunities for Healthy Behaviors”
5/2012 – 4/2013
Principal Investigator: Robert Ferrer, MD
This project was conducted to validate a survey that assessed patients” real opportunities to “follow doctors” advice” with regard to healthy eating and physical activity.
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “Creating a Fairer Physician Payment System: Suggestions from Primary Care Physicians”
08/2011 – 07/2012
Principal Investigator: Richard Young, MD
Need grant details
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “Inefficiencies and Savings in the Health Care System: Stories from Primary Care Physicians”
8/2010 – 7/2011
Principal Investigator: K. Ashok Kumar, MD
This is a qualitative study of inefficiencies and savings in the health care system. Investigators sought narrative stories that illustrated ways that healthcare providers and/or patients generate unnecessary costs, or save the system from unnecessary costs. Subjects were family physicians associated with the Residency Research Network of Texas (RRNeT).
NIH National Center for Research Resources
Title: “Changes in Opioid Use in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain”
10/2009 – 9/2010
Principal Investigator: Sandra K. Burge, PhD
This was a pilot grant awarded by the UTHSCSA Institute for the Integration of Medicine and Science. In 2008, we identified 258 family medicine patients with chronic low back pain, and enrolled them in a longitudinal study. Half were using opioid medications daily for their pain; 20 percent used them occasionally. We re-surveyed them in 2009 and 2010 to examine how and why treatments, back pain, and functional status might change over time, with a specific interest in use of opioid medications for chronic pain.
HRSA Bureau of Health Professions
Title: “Academic Administrative Units”
9/2009 – 8/2012
Principal Investigator: Carlos Jaen, MD
The Department of Family and Community Medicine at UTHSCSA is home to three practice-based research networks (PBRN). STARNet (South Texas Ambulatory Research Network), PRENSA (Practice Research Network of San Antonio), and RRNeT (Residency Research Network of Texas). This project will lay the foundation for developing a consortium of PBRN “laboratories,” with a focus on improving care for chronic disease in underserved populations. The project goals and objectives are:(1) position the PBRNs to be the core laboratories for T2 translational research within our university; (2) develop human capital in the PBRNs; (3) expand the PBRN networks into the Lower Rio Grande Valley; (4) generate a baseline assessment of network practices.
Health Resources and Services Administration
Title: “Predoctoral Training Grant”
Principal Investigator: K. Ashok Kumar, MD
The purpose of this grant is to improve family medicine education for medical students, to encourage medical students to select family medicine as a career. Dr. Burge’s role is to implement a summer research training experience in research for rising second-year medical students.
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “Initiating a Prospective Cohort Study of Chronic Low Back Pain in Family Medicine Patients”
05/2008 – 05/2009
Principal Investigator: Terrell Benold, MD
This study will examine health outcomes and disability associated with variations in treatments for chronic low back pain. Immediate One-Year Goals for this study are to: (1) identify a cohort of continuity family medicine patients who have a diagnosis of chronic low back pain;
(2) elicit patients’ consent to be followed for research purposes; and
(3) conduct a short survey of mediating and exacerbating influences on pain.
Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “Predictors of Health & Functional Status in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: the Role of Trust in the Doctor”
04/2007 – 04/2008
Principal Investigator: David Schneider, MD, MSPH
Need grant details
Health Resources and Services Administration
Title: “Faculty in Essential South Texas Activities”
07/2003 – 06/2006
Principal Investigator: James Tysinger, EdD
A web-based learning project for developing faculty in our department and in its affiliated residency programs in South Texas (RRNeT)..
American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation
Title: “An Office-based Intervention to Improve Medication Compliance”
06/2001 – 06/2002
Principal Investigator: Sandra Burge, PhD
This study tested a simple office-based intervention for medication compliance in six practices of the Residency Research Network of Texas.
Health Resources and Services Administration
Title: “Academic Administrative Units – Developing Research Laboratories”
09/2000 – 08/2003
Principal Investigator: Barry Weiss, MD
This infrastructure grant provided funding for two family medicine research networks: RRNEST – the Residency Research Network of South Texas, and STARNET – the South Texas Ambulatory Research Network.
Health Resources and Services Administration
Title: “Establishment of Departments of Family Medicine”
09/1997 – 08/2000
Principal Investigator: Barry Weiss, MD
This grant provided infrastructure funding for research in the Department of Family Medicine, including startup funds for the Residency Research Network of South Texas.