About Us
All primary health care physicians and clinical staff (Family, Pediatric and Internal Medicine) currently licensed and practicing in South Texas or medical students and residents are welcome to join our dynamic research network. Some other qualifications we consider as valuable assets that our members bring to STARNet:
- Believe in evidence-based medicine
- Have a solid reputation
- Are respected in their community
- Are available to provide adequate time to network
There are no membership fees and those who join STARNet do so on a strictly voluntarily basis. Members contribute to evidence-based knowledge in primary care by generating project ideas and conducting studies at their own site and on their own patients. The members report to the network’s Board of Directors comprised of eight practicing community clinicians.
Member Responsibilities
- Complete the 2-page practice registration form and email to calmbach@uthscsa.edu .
- Designate a clinician contact within the practice (if there are multiple clinicians within the practice.)
- Designate a staff coordinator within the practice
- Conduct and carefully complete Network studies, including one simple, descriptive card study annually
- Conform to IRB and HIPAA regulations by completing a brief human subjects protection training.
- Contribute to the development of research questions and protocols.
- Attend Annual meeting.
Research at the front line of health care delivery can improve knowledge and skills used in daily practice and is often more relevant than the tertiary care studies that now dominate medical research. Network of practices, such as STARNet, serve as a valuable laboratory for primary care research.
STARNet members contribute to evidence-based knowledge in primary care by generating project ideas and conducting studies at their own site and on their own patients. To look over a complete list of all the studies conducted in our STARNet member sites, please go to the Research Projects section of this website.
For more information about STARNet, please contact Walter Calmbach, MD at calmbach@uthsca.edu or at (210) 358-3200.