Publications and Presentations
A Prospective Observational Cohort Study in Primary Care Practices to Identify Factors Associated with Treatment Failure in Staphylococcus Aureus Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
Lee G, Hall RG, Boyd NK, Dallas SD, Du LC, Treviño LB, Treviño SB, Retzloff C, Lawson KA, Wilson J, Olsen RJ, Wang Y, and Frei CR.
Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials 2016 15:58
A Randomized Trial of a Tablet Computer Informed Consent Tool Compared to a Paper Consent for an Osteoporosis Study
Warriner AH, Mudano A, Wright NC, Melton ME, Sattui SE, Calmbach WL, Curtis JR, Kilgore M, Lewis CE, Pace WD, Saag KG.
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2016; 3: 32-28.
Treatment Failure and Costs in Patients With Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: A South Texas Ambulatory Research Network (STARNet) Study
Labreche MJ, Lee GC, Attridge RT, Mortensen EM, Koeller J, Du LC, Nyren NR, Treviño LB, Treviño SB, Peña J, Mann MW, Muñoz A, Marcos Y, Rocha G, Koretsky S, Esparza S, Finnie M, Dallas SD, Parchman ML, and Frei CR
J Am Board Fam Med September-October 2013 26:508-517
The Chronic Care Model and Exercise Discussions during Primary Care Diabetes Encounters
Patel NK, Parchman ML.
J Am Board Fam Med 2011 Jan-Feb; 24:26-31.
Reciprocal Learning and Chronic Care Model Implementation in Primary Care: Results from a new Scale of Learning in Primary Care
Leykum LK, Palmer R, Lanham H, Jordan M, McDaniel RR, Noel PH, Parchman ML.
BMC Health Services Research 2011; 11:44:1-7.
A Logic Model Framework for Evaluation and Planning in a Primary Care Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN)
Hayes, H., Parchman, M. L., & Howard, R. (2011).
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 24(5), 576–582.
Participatory Decision Making, Patient Activation, Medication Adherence, and Intermediate Clinical Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes: A STARNet Study
Parchman ML, Zeber JE, Palmer RF.
Ann Fam Med 2010 Sep-Oct; 8:410-417.
Cardiovascular Disease in Type-2 Diabetes: Attributable Risk due to Modifiable Risk Factors
Zeber JE, Parchman ML.
Can Fam Physician 2010; 56:e301-307.
Dynamical Differences in Patient Encounters Involving Uncontrolled Diabetes in Which Treatment was and was not Altered
Katerndahl D, Parchman ML.
J Eval Clin Pract 2010 Feb; 16:211-219.
Facilitating Patient Self-Management Through Telephony and Web Technologies in Seasonal Influenza
Nagykaldi Z, Calmbach WL, Dealleaume L, Temte J, Mold J, Ryan JG.
Inform Prim Care 2010; 18:9-16.
Organizational Factors Associated with Self-Management Behaviors in Diabetes in Primary Care Clinics
Kaissi AA, Parchman ML.
Diabetes Educator 2009; 35;843-50.
Communication Competence, Self-Care Behaviors and Glucose Control in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes
Parchman ML, Flannagan D, Ferrer RL, Matamoras M.
Patient Educ Couns 2009; 77:50-59.
Risk Factors for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcal Aureus Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Presenting to Primary Care Clinics: A STARNet Study
Parchman ML, Muñoz A.
J Am Board Fam Med 2009 Jul-Aug; 22(4):375-9.
Are Elements of the Chronic Care Model Associated with Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control in Type-2 Diabetes?
Parchman ML, Kaissi AA.
Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2009 Mar; 35(3):133-8.
A Group Randomized Trial of a Complexity-based Organizational Intervention to Improve Risk Factors for Diabetes Complications in Primary Care Settings: Study Protocol
Parchman ML, Pugh JA, Culler SD, Noel PH, Arar NH, Romero RL, Palmer RF.
Implementation Science 2008; 3:15.
Competing Demands or Clinical Inertia: The Case of the Elevated A1c
Parchman ML, Pugh JA, Romero RL, Bower SK.
Ann Fam Med 2007; 5:196-201.
Glucose Control, Self-Care Behaviors and the Presence of the Chronic Care Model in Primary Care Clinics
Parchman ML, Pugh JA, Wang CP, Romero RL.
Diabetes Care 2007; 45:1129-34.
Risk of Coronary Artery Disease in Type-2 Diabetes and Delivery of Care Consistent with the Chronic Care Model: A STARNet Study
Parchman ML, Zeber JE, Romero RL, Pugh JA.
Medical Care 2007; 45:1129-34.
Assessing Chronic Illness Care for Diabetes in Primary Care Clinics
Kaissi AA, Parchman ML.
Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2006; 32(6):318-323.
Encounters by Patients with Type-2 Diabetes – Complex and Demanding: An Observational Study
Parchman ML, Romero RL, Pugh JA.
Ann Fam Med 2006; 4(1):40-45.
Patients’ Advise to Physicians about Intervening in Family Conflict
Burge SK, Schneider FD, Ivy L, Catala S.
Ann Fam Med 2005; 3(3):248-254.
Association between Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose and Glycemic Control in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus
Wen L, Parchman ML, Linn WD, Lee S.
Am J Health Syst Pharm 2004; 61(22):2401-2405.
Family Support and Diet Barriers Among Older Hispanic Adults with Type-2 Diabetes
Wen LK, Parchman ML, Shepherd MD.
Fam Med 2004; 36(6):423-430.
Barriers to and Benefits of Leisure Time Physical Activity in the Elderly: Differences across Cultures
Dergance JM, Calmbach WL, Dhanda R, Miles TP, Hazuda HP, Mouton CP.
J Am Geriatr Soc 2003; 51(6):863-868.
Continuity and Quality of Care in Type-2 Diabetes: A Residency Research Network of South Texas Study
Parchman ML, Burge SK.
J Fam Pract 2002; 51(7):619-624.
Barriers and Benefits to Leisure-time Physical Activity among Older Mexican Americans
Mouton CP, Calmbach WL, Dhanda R, Espino DV, Hazuda H.
Arch Fam Med 2000; 9(9):892-897.
Diagnosing Panic Attacks in Chest Pain Patients
Katerndahl DA.
Strategic Medicine 1998; 2(1):12-17.
Prevalence and Recognition of Panic States in STARNet Patients Presenting with Chest Pain
Katerndahl DA, Trammell C.
J Fam Pract 1997; 45(1):54-63.
7th Annual National Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality PBRN Research Conference (Bethesda, MD)
June 22-24, 2011
Poster Presentations:
Lessons Learned from Creating a Clinical Informatics Collaborative: A STARNet Study
Is there Room for a Team Approach in the Patient Centered Medical Home? A STARNet Study
Patient Recruitment for Colorectal Cancer Screening in South Texas: Lessons Learned
STARNet Spring Membership Meeting (San Antonio, TX)
March 31, 2011
Oral Presentations:
Is there Room for a Team Approach to Primary Care? Preliminary Results of a STARNet Study
by Michael L. Parchman, MD, MPH, PBRN Initiative Director & Senior Advisor for Primary Care, AHRQ
Issues in Office-based Treatment and Prevention of Obesity in Youth
by Daniel E. Hale, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio
2nd Annual Practice Based Research Network Convocation (San Antonio, TX)
October 15-16, 2010
Poster Presentations:
ASPREE: ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly
Beta-testing of the Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety (SOPS)
CA-MRSA: Resistance and Treatment in a South Texas Ambulatory Research Network
Randomized Controlled Trail of Tailored Interactive Multimedia to Reduce Colon-Rectal Cancer Screening Disparities
6th Annual National Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality PBRN Research Conference (Bethesda, MD)
June 16-18, 2010
Poster Presentations:
Development of a PBRN Logic Model for Evaluation and Planning
STARNet Annual Spring Membership Meeting
April 8, 2010
Oral Presentation:
The Patient-Centered Medical Home: A STARNet Research Agenda
by Michael L. Parchman, MD, MPH, STARNet Director, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio