List of STARNet Milestones
- South Texas Ambulatory Research Network (STARNet) was established under the leadership of Dr. Walter Calmbach; 10 STARNet members; Funded by: Grants for the Establishment of Departments of Family Medicine.
- Received funding from HRSA.
- Dr. Michael Parchman joined STARNet as Research Director.
- Exercise for older patients study (10 sites); NIH and National Institute of Aging funding.
- Recognition of prevalence of panic states in patients presenting with chest pain study (8 sites).
- Family conflict study (6 sites); NIH funding
- Advance directives study; “Geo-coding” study
- Determinants of exercise in the elderly study (10 sites).
- Behavioral intervention for exercise and nutrition (BIEN) (4 sites)
- Oral health and glucose control in Type 2 Diabetes study
- NAMCS: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
- Improving the quality of diabetes care in the primary care setting study (20 sites)
- Direct observation of diabetes care study (20 sites); AHRQ funding
- Appointed Board of Directors (four clinicians)
- Participated in the pilot ePCRN project (electronic Primary Care Network) (8 sites)
- Risk Factors for MRSA in skin and Soft Tissue Infections Presenting to Primary Care Clinics (4 sites)
- AHRQ’s Pandemic Preparedness Project
- Received infrastructure funding from NIH Clinical Translational Science Award
- Clinical Informatics Collaborative (CLIC) study; funding from the NIH-supported Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) (23 sites)
- ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly clinical trial study (15 sites and growing); funding from the National Institute on Aging clinical trial study
- Board of Directors membership increased to eight members; and a three member executive committee was appointed.
- “Is there room for the team approach in the Patient Centered Medical Home?” card study (14 sites)
- Walter L. Calmbach, MD, MPH was appointed as the new Director by the Board of Directors
- Network membership expanded into the Corpus Christi and Lower Rio Grande Valley areas in 2011; site participation in projects increased.