Grant Writing with New Investigators (GWNI)
The IIMS offers Grant Writing with New Investigators (GWNI), a workshop to support promising, new investigators who are in the process of preparing a research grant application, including fellowship and career development awards.
Schedule: GWNI is conducted in a small group format. Meetings are held twice monthly on first and third Tuesdays at 3:30 pm in AAB 116 (Denman Conference Room). Meetings are typically 1-2 hours.
Linda M. McManus, PhD, Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Pathology
Targeted Participants: GWNI provides evaluation and discussion of active grant writing efforts of new investigators (postdoctoral fellows and faculty). GWNI participants must have:
- An identified grant application agency, type of application, and submission date;
- Defined commitment toward application completion; and
- Active writing toward the submission of a grant application (new or revised).
Application: The number of participants in GWNI is limited due to the intense nature of the grant writing and review activity, but new applications are accepted year-round. To apply to the GWNI Program, please submit the following documents (electronically) to with this information:
- Details about Your Research – Research information should include the funding agency, grant type, targeted due date, and [working] grant title. If the grant application is a career development award or training grant, also include the planned mentor.
- NIH-style Biosketch – Please use the new 5-page NIH biosketch with sections A-D and attach it to the email.
Questions or Information: Contact Linda McManus, PhD ( or 210-567-0509) with questions.