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Ongoing training for student and faculty improvement and advancement is an essential function of any academic institution, and programs to accomplish this are an integral part of many programs at the UT Health Science Center. In addition to formal degree programs and non-degree research training programs in clinical and translational science, the Office of Research Education and Mentoring division of the IIMS offers workshops and sponsored lectures on topics related to research education and career development.


Workshop topics are developed based on assessed or expressed need. The goal of these workshops is to provide the audience with tools, ideas, and resources they may need to expedite their research careers. Currently, and based on the results from a convened focus group, IIMS-sponsored monthly workshops are focusing on topics related to career development grants for junior faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and pre-doctoral students who are nearing program completion:

  • K-Paseo (“The way to the K”): The K-Paseo workshop is offered to provide specific instruction in writing a K-series grant application, toward the goal of increasing the number and improving the quality of K-grants submitted by the UT Health Science Center.
  • F-Troop: The F-Troop workshop provides small group informal training for graduate students and postdoctoral trainees who are preparing NIH-sponsored F-series (F30, F31, or F32) grant applications (or equivalent).
  • Grant Writing for New Investigators (GWNI) – The GWNI workshop offers support to promising, new investigators who are in the process of preparing a research grant application, including fellowship and career development awards.

An integral part of each of these workshops is to invite attendees to utilize workshop and after-hours time to present their “works in progress” for review and feedback.


  • Bartter Professorship: The IIMS is the proud sponsor of the Frederic C. Bartter Professorship in Clinical and Translational Research, which is supported through an endowment set up with funds from Dr. Bartter’s family and colleagues. This professorship has been held annually since 1992 and has brought the expertise of premier research investigators from around the country to the UT Health Science Center.