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Pilot and Collaborative Translational and Clinical Studies (PCTCS)

Pilot and Collaborative Translational and Clinical Studies (PCTCS)

The purpose of the PCTCS program is to develop, monitor, and expand a process to facilitate and support pilot and collaborative translational and clinical studies that result in increased institutional and community-based trans-disciplinary research with a goal of improved health. Our strategy is to bring all IIMS pilot and collaborative study review and funding decisions into a single mechanism to allow maximum flexibility and programmatic balance. In addition to investigator-initiated applications, the PCTCS will also support the review and funding of applications submitted in response to RFAs from other IIMS groups. The review process will be two-tiered. The initial review will be by a group of experts in the subject matter of the application using the NIH grading system. The second review will be by the IIMS Director,  and all of the Co-PIs and funding decisions will be based on scientific merit, as well as programmatic considerations, such as breadth and depth of the overall pilot study portfolio, community involvement, and balance among program areas.

The IIMS/CTSA is currently accepting applications.
Current Pilot Project RFA – 2025 IIMS/CTSA CTS Projects (Please read carefully.)


To Apply:
SurveyMonkey Apply website:  funding opportunity – 2025 IIMS CTR Pilot Projects


Pilot Project Application Deadlines
TaskDue DateLink
Letter of Intent (CTR)December 13, 2024SurveyMonkey Apply
Letter of Intent (CTS)January 17, 2025SurveyMonkey Apply
Full ApplicationTBASurveyMonkey Apply


Pilot Project Application Forms
Research SummaryResearch Summary FormIf needed
Research PlanResearch Plan FormRequired
Literature CitationsLiterature Citation FormRequired
NIH Biosketch FormBiosketch (Link to NIH)Required
Study Data Collection FormClinical Research ServicesIf needed


Reviewer Forms
Reviewer Payee FormForm W-9Complete and e-mail to if you are not an employee of UTHSCSA.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email –

Current Pilot Awardees

Previous Pilot Awardees