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Regulatory Research Consortium

The mission of the Research Regulatory Consultation group is twofold:

  1. To Optimize Research Infrastructure and Regulatory Support Services for IIMS
  2. To Optimize Safety and Protect the rights of Research Subjects participating in Clinical Research

The services we offer to accomplish our mission are:

  • To ensure processes efficiently support the ethical conduct of research to include safety monitoring of research subjects participating in clinical research.
  • To serve as liaisons to investigators, research staff, research subjects, and research administration of the HSC.
  • To identify and address choke points in research protocol and contract submission and approval processes.
  • To develop and enhance the educational opportunities on research regulatory requirements for research investigators, team members, and administrators.
  • To assist in development of a variety of agreements with external partners for general research areas and or specific research projects of mutual interest.

See our Staff listing for contact information.