Research is the foundation of the Clinical and Translational Science Award at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Moreover, translational research, which is translating the findings in basic research more quickly and efficiently into medical practice and, thus meaningful health outcomes that directly impact the lives of our community, is our mission.
For clinical investigators looking for space to carry out clinical research, the IIMS offers several options in the Medical Center area as well as brand new research space at the RAHC. Descriptions of the facilities and resources are available here.
We offer Pilot Project Awards to provide funding to develop, monitor and expand a process to facilitate and support pilot and collaborative translational and clinical studies that will result in increased institutional and community-based trans-disciplinary research with a goal of improved health.
To develop and sustain an innovative paradigm to facilitate availability and use of state-of-the-art techniques for translational research, we provide Translational Technology Supplement Awards.
There are many ways for researchers to locate collaborators. We have selected Elsevier SciVal Experts (previously known as Collexis) as a platform for our researchers. We also provide access to BioMedExperts, a new online community that connects biomedical researchers to each other through co-author networks.
For our potential and current study participants, as well as researchers looking for a way to recruit subjects for an IRB approved study, we offer a list of our current clinical research studies, a safe participant registry for those interested in participating in research and a way for researchers to register to access that registry. Find more information on this page.