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Translational Technology Resources

Translational Technology Resources

The purpose of the Translational Technology Resources (TTR) function is to provide investigators with access to state-of-the-art technologies that will add to the impact of their research.  Our specific objective is to enhance the competitiveness of research projects for downstream external grant funding.

We are targeting support of genetic analysis at the of single-cell and spatial levels carried out in the UTHSCSA Genome Sequencing Facility.  Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis (i.e., no specific deadline).  Successful applicants will receive up to $10,000 to pay for services provided by the GSF.

Links to applicant resources:

*Proposals should be submitted in PDF format by uploading them to REDCap as one single document. Once all three documents have been uploaded (Research Proposal, Biosketch, and Budget), please save and click submit.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling monthly basis. Proposals received on or before the 15th of a given month will be reviewed by the 15th of the following month.

Awards will be made for a period of six months and cannot be extended without compelling scientific justification.

Only one application per faculty member will be accepted during a fiscal year.

Please direct any questions to us via email at: