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Want to be updated about the newest topics, changes in regulations, and research in practice? Here are some of our recommended resources! 

New: Want to learn more about probiotics for your oral health or talk with your patients about their benefits? You can download a brochure and companion poster here for your office: Probiotics for Oral Health Brochure and Probiotics for Oral Health Poster


Feel free to use this Information Sheet in your practice! This covers the Myths and Facts surrounding E-cigarettes. You can download this information sheet here:   The Myths and Facts About E-Cigarettes



Summer 2024 STOHN Newsletter

Spring 2024 STOHN Newsletter

Winter 2023 STOHN Newsletter

Summer 2022 STOHN Newsletter

Spring 2022 STOHN Newsletter

Winter 2022 STOHN Newsletter

Fall 2021 STOHN Newsletter

Spring 2021 STOHN Newsletter

Summer 2020 STOHN Newsletter

Spring 2020 STOHN Newsletter

Fall 2019 STOHN Newsletter

Other resources:
